June 21, 2011

I am PregNOOOOT. I Repeat, this is NOT a Baby Bump!!!!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

First and foremost, in some of these pictures, like the one below, I totally look preggers. Let this serve as a public service announcement that I am not pregnant. Or planning on getting pregnant. This skirt fits really weird.  Not to mention, I've had three bebes, so . . . I guess it comes with the territory.

For this BAMF outfit, I felt I needed to forgo the wilderness nature backdrop and get a little more industrial. So, I found this high school on my way home. It was perfectly abandoned. Remember summer vacation from high school? There was no freaking way I'd find any students in, on or around this place in the summer. Ah, the freedom.

I felt a little dressy today. Maybe too dressy. I kept hearing that I looked like I had somewhere important to go after work. And I did . . .

NOT A GOT DANG PLACE!!!  For the first time that I can remember this summer, I did not have any obligations after work.  No tutoring, no baseball game or practice, no outstanding errands to run or things to do.  Bliss.  

Funny story. A client came in today and was waiting to speak to an attorney in my office.  She commented on how nice I looked.  I said thank you.  About ten minutes later, I was walking down the stairs, missed a step and almost fell down the stairs right in front of said client.  Luckily I caught myself.  My leg was a little sore, but all I ended up hurting was my pride.  Wa waaaaa . . . .

Pencil Skirt-Kohl's
Bag-Sienna Rigghi
Ring-District of Clothing
Bangle-vintage from mom

By the by, I have very important news.  I'm sure you are all familiar with the amazingly talented Jessica of What I Wore, right?  Well, this fabulous little entrepreneur is coming out with her very own book!  She is graciously hosting a giveaway wherein you can win an autographed copy!  Go on now and check it out! 

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