June 11, 2011

Run Around

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As I mentioned briefly yesterday, today was pretty full of various things to do and errands to run.  I won't go into it all, but let's just say that I woke up at 7 and from that moment to this one, I have been running myself ragged all day.

One of the things that I did today, as I mentioned I was going to, was visit the Paris Street Market in Boulder.  There was a lot of really cool stuff!  Unfortunately, the prices were a little high for me, but I did enjoy looking at all the jewelry, clothes, handbags and little nick knacks.  If you are at all interested, I took some pictures and am posting them below my post.  Additionally, if you are in the Littleton and/or Boulder area, they are here during the first two Saturdays every month from June to September.

I love this maxi dress.  It almost feels unnatural to wear it out of the house.  Like you are trotting about town in a nightgown or something ridiculous because it is so comfortable!  I have been told that the color of this dress flushes me out, but, being the Aquarian rebel that I am, I wear it anyway.  ;-)

Also, today I went total southern bell and put curlers in my hair.  It always gets mixed reviews both from me and other people.   I don't know.  What do you think?

 Maxi Dress-Kohl's
White Tee-Mudd

There were tons of really cute necklaces.  I really loved the leopard print heart shaped one on the right.

Brielle, my daughter, loved this medal necklace she is holding to the left.  The sign on the right told me to love this Dingleball scarves, but I didn't need a sign to tell me to do that!

I loved this top on the left because of the color and the pretty flower details.  I also loved it because the tag read "Jody", which is my mom's name.  ;-)  These beauties on the right are almost the exact replica of what I wore in this post.  Fantastic!

 Rings, rings everywhere!  Brielle and I looked over rings until our girly little eyes bulged!

 This cute little flamingo welcome sign reminded me of my adorable niece, Anya.  She loves and collects flamingos (i.e. Pinkies)!

 This guy made really great yard decorations out of rocks.

Too small for my daughter and too pricey for my wallet, but these dresses were almost too cute to pass up!
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