June 7, 2011

A (Fashion) Tragedy Hath Striken Thyself

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Bad mornings can go one of two ways.  Either you get cussed on all day and cuss goes wrong at every turn.  Ooooor you get all the bad cuss out of the way so the rest of your day can go on as usual. Luckily, I got the latter part of this equation, but let me tell you, this morning was rough.

One of those things, you know, you drive off without your cell phone, the sitter shows up late, you can't find a coffee mug (driving you to near panicy convulsions) . . . It seems never ending. (More on my craptastic morning to follow at the end of this post)

What did cheer me up, however, was this outfit. I love wearing this top and it is the perfect layering piece for summer because it is so light. The sleeves are my favorite part. I felt like an angel or a ghost all day (I prefer angel--ghosts freak me the cuss out). Something you have to look out for, I've found, when wearing these sleeves, though. Going to the bathroom and outdoor grilling can become devastating if you are not careful. Just something for your back pocket . . .

Also, I have a confession to make.  I have been toting this bag since I first featured it here.  Every other bag you have seen on this blog since that post, has been void of all inside essentials and just for show.  Lies, I tell you!  Lies!  I'm coming clean with you.  I'm sorry if I have lost any trust with any of you.  Please forgive me!

The "final straw" of the morning (and luckily it ended here) was during the below jump shot. So, if you have been reading for a while now, you know that I have been trying to perfect a jumping shot (you know, like the professionals do). Yep, just me, my tripod and a half baked smile. Well, I have to say, this was a pretty good run at it. Definitely the best I've accomplished thus far. Apparently, though, my necklace did not agree. Right after this shot was taken, I found myself in a pond of beads. My necklace was completely in shambles. Good thing I have a back up teal beaded necklace. *Cue bugles*

Maxi Skirt-New York & Company, thrifted
Sheer Top-Rockin Robins
Blue Polka Dot Tank-gifted
Bracelets-vintage and gifted
Necklace-Wal-Mart (may it rest in pieces)

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