June 14, 2011

All Laced Up and Everywhere to Go EBEW Lace

This picture is why I typically wear sunnies to take my outfit photos. Soooooooo tired!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

You're probably saying to yourself-"self, this outfit can't possibly constitute as a lace challenge, where is the lace in this outfit?"  But as any style blogger knows, it's the attention to detail that matters . .  .


When my brother's girlfriend gave this shirt to my cousin who in turn gave it to me because neither of them wanted it, I was like hellzyeah!  And it just so happened to work perfectly for this lace challenge with Every Body Every Wear.   

I have seen a certain topic raised again and again the past few weeks about something that I have wanted to inquire you ladies (and gents) about.  This topic is constructive criticism.  How do you take it?  I know this is something that everybody has had to deal with, but I think that style bloggers deal with it a lot!  I saw an entry on FBFF not long ago.  Someone (sorry, I don't remember who) had posted an inquiry on a comment she had received on her blog.  It was not necessarily a negative comment, but she had felt a little hurt and didn't know whether to delete the comment or leave it up. 

I have to admit, I do not do well with criticism.  It's really hard to digest.  I take everything so personally (even though my stepdad tells me that the book he is reading states to never take anything personally).  I think this is really the hardest part about blogging-really putting yourself out there.  I have been really fortunate because I have not gotten anything close to a negative response (you're all so sweet!), but it is pretty inevitable.  How do you deal with criticism?  What is your personal policy when it comes to comments?  Do you leave them no matter what?  Do you only take out the mean ones that offer no kind of support?  Do you erase all of them that are not positive?  It's a personal choice.  I've just wondered about that, but would love to hear your thoughts! 

Well, enough of that negative random musing.  Hop on over now to EBEW and see how these lovely ladies got their lace on!

White Button Down-gifted
Heels-To the Max

Lace | Everybody, Everywear

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