June 9, 2011

Misty Mountain Top Awkward and Awesome Thursday

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

There is a lot I want to talk about with this outfit.  This top and the hat are from my big thrift haul during this thrifting bonanza, but they are not thrifted.  They are from a great local designer called Kupu Kupu Design.  They were on clearance, though, don't worry.  They had beautiful pieces.  The only thing they had that I wasn't entirely used to was a communal dressing room.  Has anyone ever experienced this?

Obviously, a halter top was not going to fly at le office, so I opted for this super soft cardi to help cover up.  It was the perfect addition to my little outfit.  It helped that the temp didn't break 80 today.  It was cloudy and overcast and misty all day.

I got this awesome elephant ring at a great little shop that I discovered this week called Department of Clothing. What is great about this store is that they take artwork from people in prison and put them on t-shirts. When they are sold, a portion of the proceeds go to Second Chance. It is an awesome program.  When I get some more funds going, I plan on returning there to show you some more of their awesome merch.

Going to your son's baseball game is awesome even when you are looking spastastic by randomly slapping yourself due to assumingly placing your blanket down on a hill of red ants (awkward).

Planning on having lunch with a girlfriend you've had since fourth grade tomorrow is awesome.  

Asking your boyfriend to help your son get a new cup for baseball is awkward.

You know what else is also awesome?  I finally go my butt in gear and updated my Blog Roll.  There were several that I started following that were not on there.  So, look for your blog on there cause it most likely is.  I think I am at around 150 now . . . . Yikes.  That's aloto blogs.

Not being able to think of a sufficient amount of non-attorney-client-privileged based awkward occurrences is very awkward.  Damn that attorney client privilege!  I would have so much more awkward news for you!  

Oh well.  Tomorrow is Friday which is always AWESOME!    

Red Jeans-Rockin Robins
Ring-District of Clothing

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