June 23, 2011

Great Lengths

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

I'm a get 'er done kinda chica.  So now that I have fully mastered the IDGAS mentality of taking self portraits out in public (well, almost), it got me thinking . . . I need something new . . .   I tried all the standard poses . . .

 The "oh, I didn't realize you were sneaking up behind me whilst I was lost in sovereignty" pose . . .

The "I don't need no stinking wind to make my skirt twirl around" pose . . .

And even the "look at this cool piece of something that I can pose in front of and just look like an excited exchange student or tourist of a small suburb when I stand in front of it" pose.  But it wasn't enough . . .

And that's when I randomly decided that I would show my dedication to my blog and my readers by standing on random ish around this random park.  Like a park bench . . .

And a big rock in this randomly placed big rock garden that looks like someone was attempting to recreate the Stone Henge right here in Longmont, Coloradie . . .

And a ginormous piece of driftwood (which my heel got stuck in in this exact shot).

Oh, yes my lovely little readers.  My love for you knows no bounds.  I am willing to get real risky.  You can thank me later.  ;-) 

Red Sheer Cutout Top-Oboe, thrifted
Black Beaded Lace Tank-gifted
A-Line Skirt-Wal-Mart

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