March 10, 2016

Thursday Mixer--Vintage Plaid Skirt

I wasn't sure about this skirt when I first spotted it on the clearance rack of my favorite consignment store.  Sure it was only $3, but it was a little too vintage, a little too conservative and a little too homely.  But, as usual, the price was too good and the challenge too challenging to pull me away and I got the damn thing.  It is quite challenging to style without giving off too much of a Little Women vibe.  But I have had a lot of fun styling it along the way.

As I said, this thing was on clearance for $3.  I've worn it here 7 times giving this skirt a price per wear cost of 43 cents.  Even though it is about time to retire this ole skirt because I think I've worn it all the ways I can, it sure has been a fun and cost-effective ride.  

Top Left to Right- 1, 2, 3, 4
Bottom Left to Right- 1, Now, 3 

Wool Plaid Skirt-vintage
Black Turtleneck-thrifted
Military Vest-Old Navy
Booties-Forever 21
Bag-Liz Claiborne
Earrings-DIY and gifted
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