March 17, 2016

Mission #78, Day 4--White

White tights are kind of the in-between of colored tights.  Yes, they are a neutral so they are decidedly not as bright and crazy seeming as other colored tights, but they are not quite as subtle as grey or black tights.  I happen to love wearing white tights.  Just be prepared for a lot, and I mean A LOT, of Alice in Wonderland references.

To be honest, this look is a little Alice in Wonderland-esque.  The black and white is a bit joker-like and the mounds of pearls and heeled saddle oxfords give a playful vibe for sure.  But it was one of my favorite looks I've ever worn personally. 

White Tights-Target
White Button Down-Amazon
Heeled Saddle Oxfords-Charlotte Russe
Silver Bag-Kohls
Pearl Necklaces-Kohls, vintage, gifted
Earrings-Charming Charlie's
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