November 26, 2013

Mission #22, Day 2--Grey Zipper Leggings

On this day for Mission Week, I wore something really casual, comfy and borderline boho.  The zipper on the back of these leggings give it a tough vibe, but the duster and the loose layers make it really casual.

So, do you know what Boulder started doing?  Recently, Boulder, Colorado passed a law that now charges consumers for plastic bags.  Every time you elect to use plastic bags in a store rather than bringing your own bags, you are charged 10 cents per bag.

Boulder is a very environmentally conscious town and this law is obviously to encourage people to utilize reusable cloth bags instead of plastic bags that are often not recycled.

I personally think it's great.  I have used my own bags at the store for years and years.  I don't understand why more people don't.  For one, obviously, they are better for the environment.  But also, they are more durable and able to hold more. 

But the one downfall of cloth bags--it takes a while to get used to using them.  I can't tell you how many times when I started I would forget my bags at home.  But I do think it's a good habit to have.  And who knows--maybe enough people spending enough dimes per bag will get the message across.  Apparently, there's a new dimebag in town in Boulder to benefit the green.  Ha!  Pot humor in Colorado.  It never gets old.

Zipper Leggings-Target; Black Blouse-Elle; Red Crocheted Duster Cardigan-Free People, thrifted; Knotted Cognac Booties-Charlotte Russe; Fox Necklace-Charming Charlies; Spiked Bracelet-Kohl's; Name Plate Bracelet and Star Bracelet-vintage from Grandma; Sunnies-shop in mall

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