July 24, 2013

Mission #13, Day 3, Tip 3

One of the most important things to look for when dressing for summer in the office is to look at the tag.  Why?  Well this brings us to Tip #3 for Mission Week.

Fabric.  The fabric of a garment can save you during the summer heat.  Now, I can only attest to Colorado heat, which is very dry.  Literally the average humidity in the summer is about 50%, which isn't much of a difference from the rest of the year.

So what are the best fabrics to look for in the summer?  Well there are several blends of artificial fabrics that will help beat the heat like acrylic and rayon.

But some of the best natural fabrics to look for are silk, cotton and linen.  On this day, I went for a sheer button down and some cotton trousers.  With the burning temps, it's hard to get away with trousers, but in an office setting, you might have to pull them out every so often in the summer.

Sheer can be a really hard thing to pull off in an office.  But, if executed correctly, it can look very chic as opposed to trashy.

As I said, I am not sure if this is absolutely applicable in areas with high humidity, but I would imagine that it is fairly universal.  I just have never experienced a humid summer.  My hair can't hang ifyaknowwhatimsayin.

Sheer Leopard Print Blouse-Forever 21; Coral Trousers-the Limited, thrifted; Brown Pumps-BCBG, gifted; Earrings-Kohl's; Sunnies-Pug
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