It's that time again. The last day of Mission Week. Even though it's not the Mission Week that I had anticipated, I feel very fulfilled.
Of course, the simplest way to wear a maxi dress is as a dress--just as it's intended to be used as. And this is one of my favorite thrifted maxi scores. I love the small floral print and the back completely sold me on it.
Today was . . . interesting. Well, Friday is always our busiest day at work which is good and bad because you don't ever have motivation to do anything of significance on a Friday but it also helps pass the time. What I should say is that my lunch break today was . . . interesting.
So first I stopped and got a veggie burger. I'm chewing it and all of a sudden, I feel the barbell in my tongue start to come loose. I'm mid-chew so I start freaking out because I think I'm going to swallow my barbell (something in all the 12 on and off again years of having my tongue pierced has never happened before). Luckily, it was a false alarm, but it was really strange.
Then I am trying to find this new spot to take my pictures in. I'd been there once before, but it had been a while so I was a little rusty on the directions. Trying to see with the glaring sun on a tight side street and pay attention to the road as well as the direction to which I am going (I am seriously the worst driver on the planet), a squirrel darts out from under a car out of no where! I panic, but it's too late. I look in my rear view mirror to see it still moving. OMG!! I don't know whether to call someone, take it to a vet, run it over again and put it out of its misery--I have never hit a squirrel! Poor little guy! I was pained with guilt all day from this. RIP Charlie (that's what I decided to name him).
I finally get to the place to take my pictures, go to pull my tripod out of my car and bonk it straight into my front teeth. Oh great! I'm gonna knock my freaking teeth out on my lunch hour! This is my karma for hitting that squirrel! I probably deserve it . . . Luckily, my teeth were saved. But my picture taking spot was taken by the time I got there by a homeless man sleeping under a tree. I thought about going somewhere else, but by this time, no. I was doing it. Sorry sleeping homeless man, but you have no idea what I've been through to get here today. All while this was happening, Patrick is randomly sending me flirty explicit texts. "Honey, I killed Charlie, I might be toothless, I almost swallowed a metal rod and I have to take my photos quietly so as not to disturb this man and his empty six pack of Corona. Now is not a good time."
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