November 15, 2011

Stranger Danger

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I met the cutest old man when I was taking my pictures today.  I really didn't have time to chat (this girl has things to do all. the. time.), so after trying to politely answer his questions for a bit, I just continued taking my pictures while he was standing there.

He was asking me about my blog, what I did for a living and telling me about how the hat that he was wearing was bought by his wife when they were first married.  And of course, I told him about how I just engaged (literally this just falls out of my mouth at any opportunity at this point).

It was windy as all hell today and it smelled cold outside.  That's right.  It smelled cold outside.  If it wasn't a clear blue sky, I would've thought it was about to snow.

I feel like I have a million things going on all of a sudden.  Kaden's birthday is tomorrow, his party is this weekend, then it's Thanksgiving, then the holidays start and before we know it, Christmas will be here.

Not that I would ever complain about Christmas.  Even though I hate the snow and the cold, there is nothing that gives me greater joy than twinkling lights, hot cocoa, gift wrapping, tree decorating, cookie baking and watching Christmas movies over and over again.  (My favorite has always been Miracle on 34th Street even though no one else seems to like it.)

It doesn't make it easier that work has been insane lately.  I swear, files and papers are multiplying on my desk. 

I have no idea how I am going to get everything done by the time I need to get them done--work wise, kid wise, family wise, wedding wise.  Cross your fingers for me . . .

Striped Sweater-Banana Republic, thrifted; Sailor Pants-vintage; Suede Nude Peep Toes-Bandolino, gifted; Necklace-Kohl's; Earrings-gifted; Watch-Patrick's ;-); Jacket-Miley Cyrus

Guess What???

Do you all remember the $20 discount to eShakti's online store that I recently featured ( remember this dress?)?  Well the kind folks of eShakti have decided to extend your ability to take advantage of  the discount code ROBIN0811. So if you missed it the first time, here's your second chance!  This code is valid through December 31, 2011 so don't delay if you are interested.  Second chances don't always come around this easy!

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