November 23, 2011

I Am Blessed

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Tomorrow in the US of A, we will be celebrating Thanksgiving.  I could not be more thankful than I am right now.  Here are just a smidgin of what I am thankful for this holiday:

My kiddos who make me smile everyday.  I am thankful for their humor, their health, their positive energy and every unique feature that makes them "them".  I am thankful for Kaden's gentle good nature and respectfulness.  I am thankful for Conner's ever amazing intelligence and thoughtfulness.  I am thankful for Brielle's independence and creativity.

My fiance.  Patrick is someone that I never thought I would end up with, but someone I know I cannot live without.  He is compassionate, thoughtful, kind, responsible and makes me laugh every single day.  He is amazing with the kids and makes me feel like a queen everyday.  I cannot wait until he is my husband.

My family.  My mom, my sister, my brother and every other member of my family who has been there (in every capacity) from day one.  They have supported me in the good, the bad and definitely the ugly completely and unconditionally.  And additionally, the new family I am about to inherit.  I could not ask for better in-laws.

My job.  While I have my gripes and moans about work sometimes, the people I work for and with are truly genuinely amazing people.  I am so thankful to have a steady job with steady income, especially in this economy. 

My health as well as the health of my family.  We are blessed to have clean bills of health, promising many more lovely years together.

My engagement.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  I've talked the engagement to death.  But, as I've said, I've never been proposed to.  And it couldn't have been more perfect.  Or with a more perfect person.  Definitely worth the wait.

My home.  I rent.  We have electric heating registers.  The carpet is your standard pukey, shaggy mauve.  BUT, I love my home.  We have four walls to keep us warm and safe, we have hot water and electricity.  While it's not anything to "show off" and it's not even technically "ours", it is more than some people have and I am grateful for it.  Our kids are able to enjoy a neighborhood of children that is safe.

My blog.  Starting this blog in April was one of the most gratifying decisions I have ever made.  I love being able to express my creativity, meet new people and find new inspiration in something that I have always loved.  It sounds tired and cliche, but I am thankful for everyone that has supported me in my blog, commented on my blog or even just silently sits back and reads my blog.

I hope everyone, everywhere, whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, whether you are having a turkey dinner or a TV dinner, whether you are celebrating as a couple or as a huge family, whether you are wearing yoga pants or a D & G dress remembers how much of your life you have to be thankful for.  Enjoy!

Polka Dot Dress (worn as a skirt)-thrifted; White Button Down Shirt-thrifted; Striped Sweater-Banana Republic, thrifted; Suede Camel Peep Toes-Worthington, gifted; Necklace and Earrings-Kohl's; Watch-gifted; Coat-Old Navy, thrifted

Guess What???

Do you all remember the $20 discount to eShakti's online store that I recently featured ( remember this dress?)?  Well the kind folks of eShakti have decided to extend your ability to take advantage of  the discount code ROBIN0811. So if you missed it the first time, here's your second chance!  This code is valid through December 31, 2011 so don't delay if you are interested.  Second chances don't always come around this easy!

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