November 12, 2011

If You're Going to San Francisco

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Oh yes.  Yes I did.  I was totally cliche and wore a flower in my hair in celebration of going to San Fran today.  I basically waited for people to ask me why I was wearing a flower in my hair in November.  Sadly, no one really asked and I just had to project my creative genius upon them independent of any investigation.

So I am posting this live from San Fran y'all!!!!  Don't worry.  I am going to take full advantage of time with my honey the rest of the weekend, but he is working right now, so I am utilizing said time to connect with my alternate universe while he does his damn thang.

As it turns out, I hate flying.  I have only flown a couple of times prior to today.  For some reason, I had been freaking out about it all day.  I even drafted and executed a will at work before I left, just in case.  Bob was happy, however, as he has been on my case to get one done anyway. 

As you may have guessed, I lived and the flight was fine.  But all the bumpiness and the ear pain (every time I fly, it feels like someone is inserting a corkscrew into my eardrums), I'm good with only flying once every few years. 

Welcome to my under $50 outfit all.  Nearly everything I am wearing was gifted or thrited, which is the bestest.  Enter my new favorite skirt.  It is tweed and has these great small slits in the front of it.  Surprisingly for tweed, it is not itchy or scratchy at all!

Also, the minute I saw this crocheted cardigan with the adorable flower detail on the shoulder, I knew I had to scoop it up.  It is going to make a great layering piece for both spring and fall.  Niiiiiice.

As many of you have requested, I plan to take an obscene amount of pictures of my little mini-vaca.  Don't you worry your pretty little heads about that.  I can't wait to share them with you when I get back. 

Oh, and even though Veteran's Day is almost over (don't worry, I made it to the ultimate 11:11 wish time), I don't want to leave this post without thanking all the vets that have served for us.  Namely, my Grandpa, my dad and Patrick.  Go Vets!

White Crocheted Cardigan with Flower Detail-Fresco, thrifted; Crimson Top-Style & Co., thrifted; Tweed Skirt-Maurice's, thrifted; Trouser Socks-Wal-Mart; Heels-Steve Madden, gifted; Bangles-Four Corners souvenir and Kohl's; Earrings-Wal-Mart

Outtake of the Day:

I was trying to get a really cool picture of me kicking some leaves.  It didn't turn out.  It looks like I am making a feeble attempt at showing some leg for a ride somewhere.  This is the most G-rated thought that came to mind anyway . . .

Guess What???

Do you all remember the $20 discount to eShakti's online store that I recently featured ( remember this dress?)?  Well the kind folks of eShakti have decided to extend your ability to take advantage of  the discount code ROBIN0811. So if you missed it the first time, here's your second chance!  This code is valid through December 31, 2011 so don't delay if you are interested.  Second chances don't always come around this easy!

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