November 6, 2011

Daylight Savings

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Did we all enjoy our extra hour of sleep this morning?  I know I did.  Kaden was sleeping at a friend's house, Patrick had drill for the Air Force and my younger kids were at their dad's house.

As soon as I saw this shirt at ARC, I fell in love with it.  I loved the silky material and the bold stripes.  But, I loved it even more when I saw the vintage Sears tag.  It reminded me a lot of a top that my Great Grandma Palmer used to wear. 

I decided to pair it with this denim skirt that I have had forever.  It kept the vibe casual and playful.  Gold accessories and layered nude hosiery were a great match as well.

As I took these pictures, I had a rather unpleasant surprise.  My dear ole tripod had finally bit the dust.  The little camera attachment thingy had broken off.  My camera was held to the tripod with an array of hair ties just long enough to take these shots.  

The good news, however, was that I finally convinced Kaden to get a hair cut.  He has been growing out his long hair forever.  He's in a real skater boy, Justin Beiber kind of hair situation.  Although I like to let him express himself as he wishes, I also don't like people mistaking him for a girl and looking all scraggly.  

Sunday nights used to be my fave, but since Jerseylicious is done for the season, all I think about on Sunday nights now are how much closer I am to Monday morning.  Yuck.  Fortunately, when I do finally reach Friday, I will be on my way to California with Patrick!

Silk Striped Turtleneck-vintage Sear's, thrifted; Denim Skirt-Guess; Boots-Kohl's; Nude Fishnets and OTK Socks-Vera Wang; Leather Jacket-Wal-Mart; Necklace-vintage from Grandma; Ring-Kohl's

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