November 29, 2011

Are You Lonesome Tonight?

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Actually I am, thanks for asking.  Patrick is off in Canada makin' that paper for a couple of days, so I am all by myself.

Isn't it weird the little habits you get in when you are in a couple?  For example, right about now is the time where we are usually sitting side by side on the couch--him watching National Geographic (at this point I can pretty much explain anything shark related to you) and me "bloggin schloggin" (terminology by Patrick).

Patrick has done a lot of traveling for work (clearly, we just went to San Francisco a couple of weeks ago).  He had been doing more so earlier this year than he has as of late.  So, I've kind of been used to hanging out with him ever since the traveling slowed down a bit.  It just feels weird to be alone in the house.

But fear not because I have three little munchkins that are more than happy to let me know that they are, in fact, around.  I love it.  We spent our night watching a bunch of Christmas movies (they don't judge me for being in spirit and I don't ever mind watching Charlie Brown Christmas three times in a row) and reading Christmas books.  Bliss I tell you.

This is why Christmas is my favorite time of the year.  Not only does it make the chilly winter months tolerable, but it just puts this pleasant mood in the air.  Everyone is jolly, times are good and quality time is had by all. 

Speaking of quality time, this leather dress finally got some quality time.  My sister gave it to me eons ago and I have always loved it.  However, it is a teeny tiny iddy biddy mini tube dress (and leather to boot).  As a nearly thirty year old mother of three, I have not yet found myself with a proper excuse to wear it.  And so it sat, lonely and neglected in the closet.

It sat, that was, until I got the bright idea of how to work this beauty into my wardrobe for reals.  Ever since I put myself on shopping lockdown a week or so ago, I have been bound and determined to make the most of what I already own.  So this weekend, in a burst of sudden inspiration, I manhandled my closet and made about eleven outfits.  They are hanging on my curtain rod, ready to be thrown into rotation when the mood of "waaaaaaaaa I have nothing to weeeeeeeear!" sets in. It's all about preparing for the inevitable whaling, whining temper tantrum.  Bring it.

Leather Dress (worn as a skirt)-gifted; Mustard Sweater-thrifted; Belt-thrifted; Boots-F21; Trench-Wal-Mart; Hat-Kupu Kupu; Watch-gifted; Earrings-gifted

Guess What???

Do you all remember the $20 discount to eShakti's online store that I recently featured ( remember this dress?)?  Well the kind folks of eShakti have decided to extend your ability to take advantage of  the discount code ROBIN0811. So if you missed it the first time, here's your second chance!  This code is valid through December 31, 2011 so don't delay if you are interested.  Second chances don't always come around this easy!

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