November 4, 2011

Say Cheese!

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Many, many reasons to say cheese today!  First of all, this great mac 'n cheese statue, which is literally called Say Cheese.  Second, it's Friday.  So in an effort to reap the positive benefits of such, I will share with you things that made me smile this week.

Giving this awesome vintage necklace from my Grandma new life.  (It's the longer one.)  The clasp had broken off of it.  A simple safety pin later and we're ready to rock and roll.  A young (and quite stylish) young lady actually stopped talking on her phone walking down the street to compliment my jewelry.  

When I took the kids trick or treating on Monday, I asked Conner if he had scored any Butterfingers yet.  He said no, but ended up handing me an armful of Butterfingers at the end of the night.  He is so sweet!

Argyle knee socks.  They greatly expand my ability to sport short dresses in the snow and look cute while doing so.  That's what I'm talkin' 'bout. 

Virtually bitchslapping someone with the written word.  Yes, it happened to me this week.  You know, I am a very genuinely nice person, but I am not about to stand back and let someone stick their nose where it doesn't belong.  I am so sick of people taking their insecurities out on me!  <----American Beauty quote.  A million points to you if you got this. 

Getting my car washed.  Something I never do (seriously, I think the last wash ole Goldilocks got was last summer), but feel awesome once it is checked off the "random things I need to take care of when I get a few extra minutes" list. 

Working on my Christmas DVD.  Every year in my Christmas cards, I make a Powerpoint DVD of photos from my family from the last year.  I go all out and put music and transitions into it and everything.  It takes a lot of work, but I am always so pleased with the finished product.  I start early, but it is so awesome going through my pictures from the last year and remembering how much fun I have with my kids. 

Finding out that I will be going to California with Patrick next weekend!  Eek!  I am so uber stoked.  And, yes, Peggy, I am still talking about it here.  ;-)

Blue Sheath Dress-Petite Sophisticate, thrifted; Blazer-gifted; Knee Socks-Vera Wang; Booties-Nine West, gifted; Crossbody Bag-Coach, vintage and gifted; Necklaces-Kohl's and vintage from Grandma; Ring-Encore; Bangles-Kohl's; Earrings-gifted; Belt-Kohl's

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