November 26, 2011


Music Playlist at

Did y'all survive the craziness of yesterday's Black Friday sales?  I did.  But that's also because I refuse to leave my house unless absolutely necessary on Black Friday. 

You see, I worked retail for four years.  I used to think Black Friday was an urban myth until I showed up to work my first Black Friday at four in the morning and saw hundreds of people lined up already with Starbucks in hand, kids in pajamas, ads, lists, sleeping bags and a look of desperate anxiety in their sleep deprived eyes.  They put me on security watch that year.  Security.  Me.  I was shoved, tossed around, yelled and ignored.  No thanks. 

Today we had our second Thanksgiving up at my Grandpa's house in Wheatland, Wyoming.  Ever since my Grandmother died, my Grandpa likes to host Thanksgiving at his house.  It's always awesome and brings back so many memories of my childhood, mainly of my Grandma and growing up in this town.  This is what prompted me to wear this fur coat.  My mom got me this fur coat at a garage sale this summer.  Granted, it desperately needs cleaning.   

My Grandma was a fashionista of epic proportions.  She always looked amazing.  She was constantly wearing, sewing, shopping for new clothes.  She got her hair done, she loved jewelry and she loved her fur coats.  They were all real (sorry) and I got one when she passed away.  I am always terrified of bringing it out for fear of it being ruined in some way, so I opted for my cheap (and possibly faux) version instead.  To my delight, upon my arrival, my Grandpa gave me five vintage (I'm talking 30's or 40's people) hats from my Grandma as well as a cardigan that she had sewn herself!  Score!

I decided to take my photos (or rather have Patrick take my photos--thanks honey!) in the skate park near a park that I spent a lot of my childhood in.  The skate park is new, but the park still has the same teeter totters, slides, merry-go-rounds, swings and bouncy horses as it did when I was a wee lass.

I felt like this outfit was really wintery, but felt that the shorts justified the sparkly argyle tights and turtleneck sweater.  Plus, I was in Wyoming y'all.  This means that the wind is constantly blowing, the grass is frosted in ice and the temps are pretty much freezing from October until May. 

Fur Coat-unknown, thrifted; Turlteneck Sweater-gifted; Black Shorts-Hot Kiss; Argyle Tights-Vera Wang; Studded and Chain Booties-F21; Necklace-vintage from Grandma; Earrings-Kohl's; Headband-Safeway; Bag-Bebe, gifted

Guess What???

Do you all remember the $20 discount to eShakti's online store that I recently featured ( remember this dress?)?  Well the kind folks of eShakti have decided to extend your ability to take advantage of  the discount code ROBIN0811. So if you missed it the first time, here's your second chance!  This code is valid through December 31, 2011 so don't delay if you are interested.  Second chances don't always come around this easy!

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