November 18, 2011

A Spoon Full of Sugar

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Check it.  Papa got a brand new bag!  Or more appropriately, Mama discovered a new to her thrifted a long time ago awesome "why haven't I used this yet?" bag.  I loved this bag the second I saw it because it reminded me of Mary Poppins, which might be one of the greatest movies of all time.

I was wishing I was Mary Poppins today as the above picture is a pretty accurate description of my day today.  To sum it up, I could've quite benefited from Mary P.'s floating abilities, snapping sensations and no bullshit attitude.

While all of those are noble and useful qualities, I was always enamored with her carpet bag.  From the time I first saw that movie, I knew I needed one.  I even asked my mom if they really existed.  Come to find out, they do.  You might have to wait twenty years and find it sitting lonely on a hook at ARC, but they do exist. 

In addition to being busy as hell all day both in and out of the office, it was actually HOT outside.  It might have been because I got in and out of my car twelve times from the time I got to work until the time I left.  However, it was soon discovered that I did not need the knit socks, the scarf vest or the extra long sleeve shirt under the dress and cardigan.

But, I loved the look actually.  It was bright, but not obnoxious.  It was comfy and definitely warm.  Sidenote, I may or may not have been influenced by the colors I am considering for the wedding.

Today was busy.  Today was hot. Today was, in some parts, complete bullshit.  But, the greatest thing about today was that it was Friday.  The weekend is here and I don't have time to let this day drag me down. 

Tomorrow is Kaden's birthday party.  I'm sitting next to my daughter watching the Secretariat waiting for lasagna to cook.  This is the best moment of my entire day.  The weekend will be busy, but at least we have tonight.

I get to come home from a bullshit day to my three wonderful children and my absolutely perfect fiance.  

Now if only I can get that jumping into pictures that turn into magical worlds with real carnival horses and penguins.  Go carpet bag go!

PS-my sister and I totally tried this when we were little by jumping up and down on Berenstein Bear books for a good hour or so.  Trust us, only Mary Poppins can pull that shit off.

Rust Dress-vintage; Wine-Colored Cardigan-Kohl's; Scarf Vest-F21; Knit OTK Socks-Vera Wang; Leopard Wedges-Naughty Monkey, gifted; Carpet Bag-Coldwater Creek, thrifted; Earrings-Kohl's; Ring-Kohl's

Guess What???

Do you all remember the $20 discount to eShakti's online store that I recently featured ( remember this dress?)?  Well the kind folks of eShakti have decided to extend your ability to take advantage of  the discount code ROBIN0811. So if you missed it the first time, here's your second chance!  This code is valid through December 31, 2011 so don't delay if you are interested.  Second chances don't always come around this easy!

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