November 1, 2011

California Dreamin' and October Roundup

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The three qualities that I love most about Patrick are his thoughtfulness, responsibility and spontaneity.   Not only does he radiate in these qualities everyday, but within the last week, he has managed to outdo himself.

I wasn't going to say anything until I knew for sure and all the kinks were worked out, but Patrick is taking me to California!!!  We are only going for a weekend, but we are leaving this next weekend!  San Fran baby!

He just brought it up to me last week because he is going out there for business and wanted me to go.  I was not sure if I could (getting someone to help watch Kaden for the weekend, getting time off of work, etc.), but Pat worked it all out and got all the details squared away.

Because I didn't want to get my hopes up on a maybe, I have not gotten real excited about it yet or really even had time to think about it.  But y'all it is snowing here currently  Again.  Nothing makes me yearn for a warm beach more than cold, wet, muddy, yucky, irritable snow. 

Not only that, but work has been kicking my ass.  Additionally, I have been run down emotionally and physically the past few months or so.  From 6:45 a.m. to 8:45 p.m. every night, I am swamped with things to do, places to go, kids to care for and chores to do.  

Going to California for a weekend might not be big to most of you all, but you have to understand.  I'm a mom.  I work full time.  This bitch has got things to do.  All the time.  I have not had a childless vacation (nor been on a plane nonetheless) for over four years.  Four.  Years.  This is big.

Not just will it be nice to get away for a minute, but it will be nice to spend some quality one on one time with Patrick.  We have not gotten to get away really since we got together.  Couple time is essential, especially when kiddos are involved.  And while I love time with my kids, I am really excited to spend some time sleeping in, eating out and taking walks on the beach with my one and only.  I can't wait!

Hoodie-Dillard's; Rust 3/4 Sleeve Top-Kohl's; Purple Trousers-Orsay, thrifted; Orange and Gold Heels-Nine West, gifted; Bangles-Kohl's; Earrings-DIY and gifted

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