November 5, 2011

Has Anyone Else Noticed

Music Playlist at

that Party Rock Anthem is like the modern day Macarena?

Wore this to Kaden's last football game today.  They won!  It was not at their usual field though.  These ones had bleachers.  It was real uptown (that's what my Grandma always used to say when something was fancy).

Also it was in total suburbia.  Seriously.  Cream, beige and the occasional pastel colored house as far as the eye can see.  Trees spaced exactly 28 inches apart.  Sidewalks perfectly shoved and pristine yards.  

I felt like I was in a rom com of sorts.  You know, just a lowly fashion blogger hiding in the courtyard of the burbs, trying to take my photos when a good ole boy in a Honda Civic, wearing J. Crew would pull up on his way back to his trendy studio apartment after visiting his parents for dinner in the neighborhood. We would ponder life unexpectedly for an inordinate amount of time.   

I would show him what it's like to walk on the wild side with unpredictable schedules and chai tea and he would tell me about how his father expects more from him than he ever thought he could accomplish, stuck him in a career behind a desk and came home at 5:45 everyday from work on the button.  We would make a lifelong connection, cause some B level ruckus and become inseparable.  The end.    Rewind!  Sorry, dude.  I've got plans in Cali with my honey Friday.   

Skinny Cargos-Mudd; Lace Tank-Ellen Ashley, thrifted; Wine Cardigan-Kohl's; Suede Blazer-Wet Seal, thrifted; Cowboy Boots-thrifted; Fedora-K-Mart; Necklace-vintage from Grandma; Earrings-Wal-Mart 

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