July 3, 2011

Three Ways Three Days Blue Casual Top

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Okay my beautiful people, today is the 3rd, so it means it is time for another edition of three ways three days.  As you might remember, I missed my last one on the 23rd.  I thought very much about not doing it this time out of laziness.  Plus, I was already wearing this really cute outfit (above).  But, I was plagued with guilt over forgetting last time, so let's call this a half-ass attempt at following through.  I really love this shirt that my sister was just about to toss, so I worked around this.  

Side note-I have had this ring since my freakshow days back in high school.  

Top-gifted by sister
Shorts-Old Navy
Watch-Patrick's ;-)
Ring-unknown and oooooooold

I actually like the way that this outfit turned out.  First of all, any opportunity that I have to sport my culottes is a good one.  Also, I like the subconscious pattern mixing attempt here.

By the by, please excuse the bandaid on my arm.  I had a fight with the hot oven while cooking dinner Friday night.  The oven won.

 Top-gifted by sister

I know, I know.  A bandana?  WTF??  I have always loved bandanas.  I know that most people hate them and I am not sure that they are particularly "stylish".  Carrie Bradshaw was scrutinized many a time for trying to pull them off.  Let's face it, often times, they don't work out.  But I happen to love them and firmly believe that if you wear them with the right attitude, whether people like them or not, think they look good or not, you can in fact pull them off if you walk around like "yeah, what of it?" all day.

My stepdad likes to call me Aunt Jemima when I wear my bandana.  

Top-gifted by sister
White Jeans-Wal-Mart
Bandana-Unknown and old

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