July 11, 2011

Strorals and Flipes

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Wanna know how bad ass (and modest) I am?  This week, I am participating in three, that's right three fashion challenges.  First up, this week is the Summer Trends Fashion Challenge held by the lovelies Megan of Megan Mae Daily and Keely of Casual Chic Kiki.  After their last challenge, I was excited to embrace this one.  Today is Stripes and Florals day everyone!

Here's the thing about my closet, I have a ton o' stripes and I have a ton o' florals, so I thought this would be an easy A if you will.  EH!  Wrong!  Last night when I was contemplating what to do with my options, nothing was working out.  Nothing even remotely went together and it just didn't look right.  To top it off, I knew that we were having a 4-way (get your minds out of the gutter people!-it's a meeting with two lawyers and two parties-see?  aren't you ashamed of yourselves now?  it's ok, I forgive you) at le office and I had to look somewhat profesh.   

Then, this happy little striped number appeared before me and said "fear not, for you shall go forth and conquer your day".  And I did, though it was not without seemingly constant obstacles.  For starters, when I got to work, the power was out in my building.  It stayed this way for about an hour and a half.  You never realize your reliance on something until it's gone.  How did we survive before Ben Franklin?  Seriously.  

Also, I had managed for a week or so now to avoid the storms for my outfit shots.  For the better part of a week, the weather has been hot/gorgeous/dry all day riiiiiiiiight until I get off of work.  Then, it rains and pours and old nameless men snore.  I hate driving in any precipitation (seriously, I freak and drive like a blue haired dinosaur in the rain/snow), my son's baseball games have gotten rained out on three now different occasions and it makes outfit shots a beatch.  

So I guess you could say that my week of various fashion challenges actually started with multiple personal challenges as well.  But, what continues to amaze me is the way that things always just work out.  For further evidence (cause in the law field we are all about the evidence), I point you to Exhibit A-my striped umbrella.  Clearly perfect for this challenge, eh?  What luck!  

Booties-Apt. 9
Bracelets-gifted and vintage
Sunnies-Elle for Kohl's

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