July 12, 2011

Come Mister Tally Man Tally Me (Sargent) Banana

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Guys, I have had the above song stuck in my head since last night for some reason.  You can even ask Pat cause I kept uttering "come mister tally man tally me banana" over and over again.  Wait, you don't know Patrick, so . . . . just believe me ok????

Anywayssssssss, today I am doing the unthinkable and participating in two, that's right, two fashion challenges at once.  That's right.  I'm double dipping.  Eat it or wear it kids.  Everybody, Everywear is hosting their monthly challenge today with YELLOW.   Which is tremendous for several reasons.  The first of which is that yellow is my favorite color--not only to wear, but also in general.  It is so bright and sunny.  How can you not be in a good mood sporting the same color as the sunshine?

The other challenge is that for the Summer Trends Fashion Challenge, today is military paired with feminine day.  Oh snap!  I love that!  I instantly thought of my skinny cargos.  For one, they are obviously of a military inspired fashion and for two, my hunny cakes Pat bought them for me.  He is in the Air Force and has been for 12 years now.  After being with him for a year now, I have a pretty good idea of what constitutes military.

I took these pics on a veeeeeeeeery short break at work after running some exhibit books over to Daryl while he was in a mediation.  It was such a gorgeous day and downtown Boulder is so pretty, I found a fairly secluded spot and had my way with it for about ten minutes.

The Summer Trends looks won't be posted until it is over, but you can check out other participants here.  Also, swing your yellowy little selves over to EBEW and check out all the other summery beauties over there.  Here's lookin at you kids!

Top-Elle for Kohl's
Pumps-Vera Wang
Sunnies-Elle for Kohl's

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