July 15, 2011

Pour Some Neutral on Me--BDIB and Summer Trends

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Folks, nothing can get my mood down today! Nothing I tell you! It is a gorgeous day here in the Square State, which always helps my mood. But also, there are a lot of great things going on today.

After work, I get to go and pick up my kiddos--score! Pat finally comes back from his business trip--so excited! My Gramma's memorial service is tomorrow (she passed away in April, but we do memorial services in my family instead of funerals), so even though it will be sad, we get to celebrate her life with a bunch of my family that is coming in from all over the place. I am so excited to see everyone!  Oh, and did I mention it's Friday?!?!?!  *enter sigh of relief*

Another reason to be excited today? I doing yet another twofer challenge for y'all.  Today is Neutral Day for the Summer Trends challenge.  Sadly, this is the last day I can participate in the challenge (tomorrow is Bright Bottoms Day and I'm not thinking I want to sport Bright Bottoms to my Gramma's memorial), but it has been such a fun journey!  Be sure to check out what everyone else did for the challenge here.

Secondly,  it is one of my favorite times of the month:  The Bloggers Do It Better challenge.  This month, they are featuring maxi skirts.  You have to wear a skirt, not a dress (no cheating!).  When I knew I was going to mesh the two challenges, I knew this skirt was the only plausible solution.  Make sure to check out these lovelies in there maxi skirts here.

 Have a great weekend everyone!

Hat-Kupu Kupu
Maxi-New York & Company, thrifted
Earrings-DIY and gifted

Bloggers Do It Better

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