July 1, 2011

It's Here! It's Finally Here!

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First of all, these shots are courtesy of my stepdad's backyard!!!!  Can you believe it?  It is hands down one of the best places to be in the summer.  This is the Big Thompson River.  Right now it is really high and really fast, but usually it calms down enough to wade through which is amazing!

It's kind of confusing, but I'll try to explain this the best I can without the TMI and too much detail.  With my oldest son, Kaden, is with me 100% of the time.  My two younger kids, I have shared parenting time.  In the school year, they are with me most weekdays and their dad most weekends.  In the summer, I get them most weekends.  

When my kids are altogether again, it is such a magical time.  The closer my boys get in age (they are 10 and 6), the more that they just love to play together.  It is so wonderful--they are true brothers.  So, needless to say, I love my weekends in the summertime.

My stepdad was trying to talk to me while I was taking these pictures which was a little nerve wracking for me, but it was cracking him up because I would be mid-sentence and my self timer would go off and I would stop talking and strike a pose.   

I am so stoked for this much needed, much anticipated three day weekend!  I get all my kids together for three days!!!!  We've got a lot planned, but it's all fun stuff.  That's what else I love about weekends.

 Red Button Down-New York & Co., thrifted

P to the S-My daughter wanted a piece of the blog posing action, so here she is.  She is the cutest little pumpkin you will ever see.  :-)

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