July 8, 2011

A Year of Sighing Relief

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Pat and I aren't much for the cheesy "anniversary" thing, but today is the one year mark of Pat and I being together, so kinda a biggie.  Just want to give a quick shout out to Pat for being the most amazing man in the world.  I fall more and more in love with him every single day.  

Enough mushy stuff, on to the outfit.  I've worn this sweater a couple of other times (here and here), but never got to talk to you about it.  I.  LOVE.  THIS.  SWEATER.  The crochet, the beading, it's perfect and perfect for summer because it is really breezy.   

 I also love these wedges.  They are the perfect compliment to any outfit and so cozy!

 And I will curtsy with one of my favorite twirly skirts.  Keep it real yo!

Sunnies-Elle for Kohl's

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