July 14, 2011

Fuh-Get About It!

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Today is Eclectic Print Day for the Summer Trends Challenge.   I have two minute confessions to make to you guys.  The first of which being that I have no effing clue what "eclectic print" is.  I love fashion and I love to look at clothes, but to be honest, I am clueless when it comes to these things.  I know the basics, but when it comes to labels or kinds of hems or things of that nature, I get all Homer Simpson faced.  I tried Google and it was no help, so I took this to mean some cool kind of print.  Someone help a sister out--what the holy guacamole is eclectic print?  Am I being completely stupid or what?

The second confession is that I don't give a rat's behind what anyone has to say today about these capris.  Remember this post?  Yep, these also cost me a whole dollah dollah bill yo.  I knew instantly they would be part of the love 'em or hate 'em (mostly hate 'em) hall of fame, but you know what?  I just don't care.  I couldn't pass up the cute print.  Granted, they would be much cuter as shorts (still working on figuring out that sewing machine I got for Mother's Day . . . ), but whatevs. 

The thing about wearing these capris, though, is you have to really own it.   I am serious.  You have to pull it off as if you are not on your way to the Bingo hall or clipping a million Wal-Greens coups to use on bunion ointment or dusting off your collection of porcelain cows.  You have to really man business. 

I kept the top simple to avoid the in yo face  mentality of the capris and went with a simple button down over a hooded tee, but added the pumps to not cut my already short stems off and bring it into a more sophisticated realm. 

Isn't it cute how my matching little lipstick ring fit in perfectly with all the hats and shoes and handbags on the print of these capris?  Ladies, sometimes you just have to take the expected criticism and say "Fuh-get about it!!!!!!"   By the by, I totally thought of this hilarious clip all day wearing these.  "You think anyone wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys?  FORGET ABOUT IT!"  LOL.

 White Top-cabi, thrifted
Black Hooded Tee-Kohl's
Capris-Casual Corner, Annex, thrifted
Sunnies-Elle for Kohl's

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