July 2, 2011

The Best Things in Life are Free

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

I'm just gonna come right out with this: money is a bitch.  None the less, the great thing about financial struggle is being able to put into perspective how much money just doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, like . . .

Waking up on Saturday morning with barely a "to-do" agenda . . . .

Having your oldest son pick you a flower right before your outfit shoot . . . .

Having an impromptu BBQ in a park with someone who has always been there for you . . .

Watching your daughter be so proud of herself swimming under water in the pool and watching your younger son spend every waking minute getting in and out of said pool . . .

Crop Top-Aeropostale
Denim Skirt-Gap
Bracelets-gifted & vintage
Ring-Department of Clothing

And the best thing about today was that when it was all over, we still have two more days together before we have to go back to the "real world".  I love all the little things (and people) that make my life special!

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