July 25, 2011

"Mom! You Look Like You're From 1762!"

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

This is the kind of feedback that I got from Kaden (my oldest son) on our way to tutoring tonight.  Now, some of you might think that this is an unwelcomed comment, but if you knew Kaden, you would not be so quick to dismiss his comments . . . .

Kaden and I are like peas and carrots, as Forrest Gump would say.  For the majority of his life, it has been him and I.  His biological dad left the picture when he was not quite two (he's ten and a half now).  He's my buddy.

Kaden is definitely my child.  He beats to his own drum.  His drum is loud and dramatic.  It's perfect.  He also is quite the little fashion forward man.  He's not GQ, he doesn't care what's in style or what is popular.  He knows what he likes.  

He went through a long phase (literally years long) where he would only wear three piece suits.  I'm not kidding.  Sport coat, button down, slacks, a tie and  . . . a pink top hat.  Everyday to school.  His teachers told me that this was a problem and that he needed to not "stand out so much."  I told them to shove it.  If it didn't concern his schoolwork, I didn't even want to hear it.  

From there, he was a cowboy, Indiana Jones, a baseball player, Karate Kid and various other themes of his dressing.   I loved every minute of it.  He is currently in the other room at the tutoring center with a bandana on his head, a soccer shirt, jeans and high tops. 

Although in my last post I stated that Kaden was starting to get embarrassed when I took my public outfit photos, he has also been my biggest (though he'll never let his friends know) fan.  Often times, when you see me smiling the most, it's because Kaden's behind the tripod directing me.  "Mom, put your hand on your hip like this" or "Mom, that smile is too big and cheesy!"

So when Kaden got in the car and told me that my outfit looked like I was trying to dress like I was in 1762 and that my bag looked like it was from 1862, I listen.  Even though I used the "it's vintage!" defense, I listened.  Because when my kids have something outrageous and hilarious to say, I listen.

Top-Playdough's Closet
Pencil Skirt-Kohl's
Bag-Coach, gifted

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