July 21, 2011

Hello. My Name is Robin. And I'm a Thriftaholic.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Fourteen years ago, I would not be so braggy about my frugality.  I would have hid it that I bought it on clearance and joined other pompous giggles about ARC and Goodwill while secretly knowing half of my outfit came from there.  I was a sham.  I admit it.

But in recent years, I have come to embrace my cheap ways.  Why?  Because I realized something.  In simple, SATC terms, I yam what I yam.  And what I yam is on a budget.  And what I yam is stylish.  And what I yam is someone who appreciates hand me downs, cheapies and things that nobody else has.

Hence, I planned this outfit days ago when I discovered that this edition of Every Body Every Wear was to share your favorite thrifted piece.  *cue church chorus*  I immediately thought of my red Pendleton pencil skirt.  It is one of my favorite colors to wear, red, and has pockets!  Best of all, this skirt cost me about $12.  

Sometimes I catch myself still in that awkward poor kid in the class mode, you know the drill, whining to myself that I don't own one single ligit fancy brand of Kate Spade shoes or a Dolce and Gabana gown.  But then I remember that for the price of one of those amazing pieces, I could get a whole fantastic wardrobe from a thrift store.  And the best part of all of it is that I may be the only one in creation with this piece.  The only one owning it or, better yet, giving it new life.  A second shot, if I may.

Like any good style blogger, I found a location for my photos today that matched my outfit.  Did you notice? ;-)

I don't know about you all, but this week at work has been hellacious.  Anyone else totally geared up for a few days off?

Make sure you check out all the other lovely ladies of thrifting genius at EBEW's thrift challenge here.  K pumpkins?  K, thanks bye.

 Chambray Button Down-Wal-Mart
Skirt-Pendleton, thrifted
Bracelets and Watch-vintage, gifted, DIY gifted
Sunnies-Elle for Kohl's

Thrift | Everybody, Everywear

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