July 20, 2011

I'm Sorry I Just Hallucinated . . .

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Is this girl wearing a cropped sweater in the middle of July during a freaking heat wave?!?!?  Why yes, yes I am.  Anyone that knows me will be shocked to hear that I am anxiously awaiting fall.  I want my layers back! 

I'm not going to go with the template "it's so hot I could melt away" portion of this post.  I sense that most of you can feel my pain.

So, life is settling down a bit round these parts finally.  Kaden's baseball season is over now, my Gramma's memorial service has come and gone and we finally have some time to just relax.

When you're used to a hectic schedule for so long, it feels so strange to just come home and . . . sit, catch up on chores and what have you.  It's really nice.

Of course, this little break will be short lived because in a couple of weeks, Pat, the kids and I are going on vacation!  No where really exotic.  We are taking a road trip to the Grand Canyon and stopping at various Colorado must-sees along the way.  I am ashamed, as a native Coloradoan, that I have not even seen many of these places (Mesa Verde, the four corners, the Royal Gorge, the sand dunes . . .), so I am stoked!  If for no other reason than to hang out with my family and get some much needed R & R.

I'm gonna be gone for the first week of August.  I've contemplated many times having guest bloggers on my little toddler of a blog.  I've gone back and forth.  Really, I don't think anyone would miss posts on my blog for the most part, but I also think that it is a good opportunity to offer other bloggers, if they are interested.  I had a blasty guest blogging for Angie last month.  I don't know--what do you guys think about having a few fantastic ladies blogsit for me?  If you are interested in doing so at all, feel free to email me at franniepantz@hotmail.com. 

And I leave you with this jump shot in which I have a mighty bulge in my little mini . . . My apologies.

 Cropped Sweater-gifted
Striped Button Down-Kohl's
Suede Mini-B.B. Dakota, gifted
Sunnies-Elle for Kohl's

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