July 18, 2011

A Serious Case of the Mondays

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Here's the skinny on this outfit.  Do you ever have those moments in the morning when you have nothing planned to wear and something miraculously jumps out at you and saves the day?  Well this outfit was not one of those moments.  I played with my clothes for a good 20 minutes this morning waiting for that moment.  Ultimately it came down to comfort, simplicity and light so as to not sweat my ass off.

Anyone that knows me knows that I like it HOT.  I have a space heater that lives under my desk that I frequently use year round because my circulation is like molasses and I get chilled way easily.  However, even I am at the point right now where I'm like "ok, we can turn the intensity of the heat down just a smidge."  It's freaking hot out!

Today was so busy.  This is good in that it makes the day speed by.  But it also is stressful, exhausting and frustrating.  This is exacerbated by many errands ran in sweltering heat.  Woof.

I took these photos after dropping some docs off at ye ole Fed Ex for work.  I was so done with the heat and to-do's at this point, that I could not even muster the energy for a smile or any kind of fun pose.  

I thought about not even blogging today.  After all, the outfit is nothing special, the pictures are low quality and even Peggy said that I looked really groggy this morning.  I didn't even do my make up today!  (I KNOW!!!!!!)  But, I felt bad neglecting my blog all weekend, due to family being in town and having WAY too much fun having water wars with them at a nearby park.  So, I'll make it up to you tomorrow.  Promise.  

 Sheath Dress-gifted

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