July 5, 2011

Bringin It All Back

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

For starters, be sure to check out my good ol' pal Jake's band blog Engines of Necessity.  He is in a very talented band.  They do a killer rock cover of "All She Wants to do is Dance."  Go on.  Tell him Robin sent ya. 

I didn't realize in my exhausted sleepless stooper attempt at a creative outfit this morning that I was representing three, nay, four different decades of fashionocity today.  We have my disco ball shirt for the 70's . . . 

My cropped moto jacket a la the 80's . . . 

My plaid chiffon 90's tribute belt . . .

*Editor's note-I almost took this pic out, but I was amused by the fact that it looks like I'm droppin it like it's hot

And the current trend of pencil skirt mania.  Oh yeah, when you're just that tired, it all comes together.  Thanks for the idea on what to write about this outfit Peggy!  Otherwise, I wouldn't have had the mental capacity to figure this one out!

I had to do these pics with the quickness due to the impending doom looming and booming in the sky threatening to storm on my parade.  

And that's a wrap folks.  PEACE!

Jacket-Miley Cyrus
Sequined Top-thrifted
Pencil Skirt-Heart Soul
Belt-from top from Kohl's

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