July 23, 2011

Sweating Bullets

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Ladies, this is my absolute favorite sundress.  I got it for my first college graduation and have loved it ever since.  It dresses itself. Plus, it is a halter, which I love.  Might I add that it is the only halter in creation that I can wear sans bra and not look like a 12 year old boy in.  

Today has been the kind of Saturday that I have dreamed of having all summer.  I had not one single obligation.  I spent my morning cleaning the house (which has been embarrassingly neglected) because it was making me sick with clutter.  Also, since we are going on vaca next week (I LOVE saying that), I wanted to make sure we came back to a clean house.  Do you do this too?  Peggy told me that she does it too so I don't feel like such a freak. 

Pat had a race today.  I opted not to go, so it was just my little man, Kaden and I for most of the day.

We took a bike ride to Jack in the Box for dinner.  I'm not a fan of feeding my kids fast food for dinner, but when it's just Kaden and I, it's kind of like a little treat for the two of us.  I haven't had JitB forEVER.

I also had not been on my bike forever.  I used to love taking bike rides and I have not even had the chance to do so this summer at all!  I literally had to wash the cobwebs off the old Diamond Back.  

The ride was hot (obvs), so Kade and I stopped at this little park for a break on the way home.  I had anticipated as much and thankfully brought my camera and tripod in my good ole Coach cross body.  

Poor Kaden.  He gets so embarrassed when I take my outfit shots in public.  He is in that awkward  pre-teen stage where everything I do annoys or embarrasses the beJesus out of him. 

Case in point: Kaden-"Mom, what are you trying to do?" Me-"Twirl my skirt!" Kaden-"Well it's not working.  Can we go?"  . . . And so we did.

Bag-Coach, gifted
Earrings-DIY, gifted
Sunnies-Elle for Kohl's

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