July 7, 2011

Too Bundy or Not Too Bundy? That is the Question . . .

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When I spontaneously put this concoction  of an outfit together this morning, I wasn't lovin' it.  I didn't hate it.  I just knew that it would either be something that I ended up loving or never wore again.  I just felt too . . . . Bundy in it. 

I decided to forgo nearly all accessories (a rarity for me) because the outfit just felt so LOUD!!!!!

Wanna know a secret?  I bought this dress when I was 16 at Hot Topic.  I have not been inside of one for years.  From the look of the website, it has changed quite a bit.  When I was 16, my mom called this the Freak Store.  It totally was.  Which is naturally what drew me to go in.  The dress is this crushed velvet fabric and really soft.  I have never brought myself to get rid of it and try to find ways to incorporate this teenage piece into my nearly thirty year old wardrobe.  

So, I'm going to do something that I don't normally do on here and ask you all your opinion of this outfit.  What do you think?  Is it too much?  By the way, if you have any question about the content allowed in the comments, please refer to the Comment Policy.  There is a difference between an opinion and an asshole.  I'm just sayin' . . . 

Dress-Hot Topic
Leopard Print Button Down-Younique
Earrings-gifted and DIY by my cousin!

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