October 21, 2014

Mission #44, Day 2--White Tights

Yes, I know.  White is a neutral.  But I consider white tights a special breed of neutral tights because you don't see them as much, especially in the corporate setting.  They feel quasi vintage, quasi youthful and quasi colored. 

So this weekend I came across a conundrum and I want to get you other parents' opinions.  So Conner has this friend.  And this friend is not the best behaved child.  In fact, he's kind of hyper.  And, from my perspective, he doesn't get much discipline.

I know that kind of sounds like a cop-out, but once I literally watched this kid chuck a Hot Wheels car at his mom's face.  The mom was visibly physically hurt and so I turned to the kid and said "Aw don't throw things at your mom, that hurts!"  Like that.  And the kid started crying.  And the mom started hugging the kid and explaining that he was embarrassed for getting in trouble!

So anyway this kid is kind of a pain in the ass to say the least.  I mean, he's a kid.  So you can't get too mad at him.  But I don't really see eye to eye with his mom.  So anyways this mom is always asking if her son can stay the night at our house.  And many, many times we have obliged.  Conner never stays the night at this kid's house. 

So, true to form, this weekend the mom texted me and asked me if her son could stay the night at our house.  We had two football games, a house to decorate and clean for a Halloween party.  The mom should have known this because her kid was invited to the Halloween party.  So I told her that tonight wasn't going to work because we were busy getting ready for the party.  The mom said ok.  

The next day, a.k.a. the day of the party, I got several phone calls and texts from this mom asking when she could drop her son off.  I ignored them all.  Some of them I ignored on purpose and some because I actually was legitimately busy getting ready for the party.  I just assumed that she would get the hint to drop her son off at 2:30 when the party started.  She did not get the hint.  At 1:00 she dropped her son off unexpectedly at my house.  She told me that she was going up to Estes Park and just assumed that it was ok to do that even though I had not at all given her this impression or permission.  It really irritated me and made me feel really resentful to this mom.

Should I say something to her or let it go?

Blue Handkerchief Polka Dot Dress-vintage; Hot Pink Cardigan-thrifted; Pale Pink Loafers-vintage; Pearl Necklace and Earrings-from Qatar from Patrick
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