October 27, 2014

Make it Monday No More

Sometimes you just have to admit defeat.  I have only been doing Make it Mondays for a little while now but I've decided to not do them for now.  Maybe they need tweeking or maybe they need to go away altogether.  I'm not sure.

I like sharing things I do off of Pinterest.  I still use it nearly everyday to get dressed or cook or for crafts when my kids get bored.  I think it's a great tool for inspiration.

The problem is that I suck at taking pictures of food.  Usually I'm just in a hurry to get dinner on the table and don't even think about taking pictures of the finished product until it's . . . well . . .been finished.  And you can forget the process portion.  And wen my kids and I do crafts I certainly don't think about pulling out my camera!  The time that I have where my kids want to hang out with me is fleeting as it is--why would I spoil our time with constant cameras in their face?

So, you got me--I'm not going to dread Mondays anymore than I have to.  And I'm sure you're all fine with it.  In the meantime, I might think of another way to incorporate it into my posts somehow.  Any ideas are welcome.

Animal Print Wrap Dress-thrifted c/o Goodwill Swap and Shop; Booties-Nine West, thrifted and gifted; Grey Tights-Kohls; Necklace-c/o onecklace; Sunnies-shop in mall; Earrings-Shane Co., gifted by Patrick
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