October 8, 2014

Mission #43, Day 3--Printed Jumpsuit

Printed Jumpsuits are kind of tricky to style.  This one--even more so.  It's sooooo vintage and thus can take a turn into costumey PDQ.  I was unsure about whether the fedora gave it too much of a 1920's gangster vibe but I dug it and added the modern leather bomber jacket, trendy flats and glitzy handbag for good measure.

So I was taking these photos at one of my favorite downtown spots.  I love all of it--the park benches, the trees, the cool piece of art off the main street.  It just looks so Central Park-y.  And since I won't be seeing the sites of the big city until I'm about 85 at this point, it's a nice little pretend getaway.

So this little area is right between two businesses.  On the south side there is an insurance company.  On the north side is an assisted living facility.  Normally it's pretty quiet . . . but that was not the case on this day.

On this day, there was, what I believe to be, a resident of the assisted living facility just sitting outside.  I didn't think too much of it.  Sure, she was watching me, but what else is there to do?  Plus, it is kind of an unusual site to see I imagine.  I didn't have a problem with it.  That was until . . .

A nurse showed up for her shift at said assisted living facility.  As she came inside, she stopped at the lady.  They started talking quietly to each other and, again, I didn't think much of it.  But the nurse kept giving me this snide little look.  And it was kind of annoying me.  Then she says "It's kind of like watching a reality show, huh?"  I don't know why, but that was the most annoying thing to me.

And so I started to pack up.  And just in time too.  Because on this particular day, my usually quiet spot had turned into a hot spot all of a sudden.  A field trip of young children came up just as I was leaving.  I guess they missed my reality show.

Pinstripe Jumpsuit-thrifted; Cognac Leather Jacket-Target; Fedora-K-Mart; Bag-Prada, thrifted; Studded Pointed Toe Flats-Target; Bangles-Kohl's
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