February 10, 2014

Mission Monday #27--Say Something Hat Week

I've been watching a lot of To Wong Foo for some reason and this part has stuck with me for an idea for Mission Week.  So next week, we will be celebrating hats.  Specifically, say something hats.

I hope to be able to fill you in soon about the Good Exchange Clothing Swap and Fashion Show soon.  It was hosted on my birthday last week and it was (as always) a blast!

For starters, I got to meet Tim Gunn.  This was a lifelong dream, of course.  Patrick told him it was my birthday and he wished me happy birthday.  And he congratulated us on the baby.  (I thought about asking him to be the godfather, but that might have been awkward.)

He was so down to earth and nice.  I could hardly believe it!  He took a moment with the whole long line of fans to say thank you, sign books and take photos.  It was really cool.

I met Mondo at the show when I went last year, but I got to see him again.  That is always a treat as he is also very nice and humble.  And, of course, well dressed.  I was on Cloud Nine when he shook my hand again because he totally recognized me from last year!

Last year, I went to the show by myself.  This year I took Patrick and it was a lot of fun to go with him.  As much as I don't mind going to things by myself, it is really nice to share the moment with someone that I love. 

He's such a good sport.  He actually likes coming to shows with me, though I never "make" him go.  It's fun to do the couple thing and share interests with each other. 

Distressed Jeans-Mudd; Black Tank-Old Navy; Striped Cropped Hooded Cardigan-maternity, thrifted; Studded Beanie-Target; Leather Jacket-gifted; Combat Boots-L.E.I.; Bracelets-Kohl's and gifted; Monogram Necklace-Target; Earrings-DIY and gifted

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