February 18, 2014

Mission #27, Day 2--Baseball Cap

Baseball hats have really been having a moment in fashion for the past year or so.  And so what better week to celebrate them than Mission Week?

I thrifted this one a year or so ago because it contains two of my favorite things: New York and pink.  Sold.

My parents' birthdays are on Thursday (yep, same day!).  I don't plan on seeing my dad, but we are having dinner with my mom tomorrow night.  So tonight my daughter and I baked her a cake.  From scratch.

I love that my daughter loves to bake with me.  She's at the age and ability right now where I don't have to oversee what she's doing.  I just have to read the instructions out to her and she can do it by herself.  She even cracks eggs like a pro!

In a totally non-sexist way, I am so glad that my daughter is learning these skills.  Really I hope all of my kids learn these skills.  My mom and grandmother never made anything out of a box.  We made everything from scratch.  I sincerely didn't even know that you could buy potatoes out of a box (mashed or otherwise) until I was grocery shopping as an adult and it blew my mind.

Not only is it a great skill to learn and an excellent bonding experience, but it teaches kids patience, pride and following directions.  My daughter claims that this cake is her best yet.  And I think she's right.

Skinny Maternity Jeans-thrifted; White Tee-Hanes; Pink and Peach Striped Sheer Blouse-Old Navy; Pink New York Baseball Hat-thrifted; Monogram Necklace-Target; Earrings-gifted; Tennis Shoes-Keds, thrifted

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