So for t his, we need a ladylike glam look. Hence, the fur trimmed cardigan, pretty shades, red heels and fun cherry print dress. And, of course, pearl necklace and earrings.
So, we Coloradoans got a double dose of suck this weekend. First of all, that groundhog saw his shadow. And, even though it is silly to harp on the validity of a rodent's shadow predicting the weather, it was pretty agonizing to think of another 6 weeks of winter.
It's been cold and snowy here for a few days now. And apparently, there is a lot more snow and cold on the horizon this week. Which is not optimal for me and some birthday festivities I had planned. Like not having snow.
And then, of course, that football game. For those of you that don't know, Denver supposedly went to the Super Bowl. I hate football. And I never watch it and I don't follow it. But let me just say, it was horrendous.
Luckily, we spent the day with my sister, brother in law, brother, cousin, brother's lifelong best friend, my nieces (including my newborn niece!) and little cousins playing board games and eating. And that is definitely not bad if you ask me.
Dress-thrifted; Fur Trimmed Cardigan-Kohl's; Red Heels-thrifted; Pearl Necklace and Earrings-gifted by Patrick; Sunnies-shop in mall

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