April 22, 2013

Mission Monday #7--Florals

Your eyes do not deceive you.  Oh no.  It is snowing.  Again.  But you know the old adage--April showers bring May flowers.  With all the record breaking snow we've gotten this month, we better have some bomb ass flowers in May.  To make sure of it, the challenge for next week's Mission Week will be . . .

FLORALS!!!  Any way you pick 'em!  (Ha, ha, get it?)  Even though every time I think of wearing florals for the spring, this comes to mind:

I already have plans conjuring in my mind for floral jeans and pencil skirts and blouses and skirts and dresses--HOPEFULLY without tights.  

I can't be too mad about the snow though.  At least it held off on snowing until later this morning and thus left us snow free for the birthday party weekend extravaganza.  And the rest of the forecast looks promising. So if this is the last of this crap we have to deal with until winter, so be it.

So if you're as ready to break out the florals as I am, please do link up with me on Friday, May 3rd.  I will start Mission Week on Monday, April 29th.  You can participate the whole week or just one day.  Just wear sumpin pretty and flowery, post the button below to the post and be sure to add a link to your post on Friday, May 3.

In the meantime, I am going to grump through the rest of this snow crap and look toward the future.  Keep my eye on the prize.  And maybe by the time Mission Week comes 'round, I'll be in better springier spirits.

Orange Tweed Blazer-J. Crew, thrifted; Navy and White Gingham Button Down Blouse-Forever 21; Salmon Trousers-BCBG, thrifted; Stiletto Saddle Oxfords-Charlotte Russe; Earrings-DIY and gifted

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