April 18, 2013

Mission #6, Day 4 and a BLOGIVERSARY

Here's another black and white look for Mission Week!

Many, many things to celebrate on this looooovely April day.  For starters, as the above song suggests, we saw the sun for the first time this week.  There were no high winds, no snowflakes and no bitter cold temperatures.

Also today marks the two year blogiversary of Frannie Pantz.  I'm very proud of this moment.  I can tell you with 100% certainty that I never thought I would see a two year mark of this blog.

The moment that I came across style blogs I was hooked.  I remember showing them to Patrick and telling him that I could never do it.  I was mortified at the thought of taking my photos in public.  I didn't think my clothes were "good enough".  I didn't think, being in Colorado, it would really do anything for me.  And I certainly didn't think anyone would want to see it.

I'm glad that Patrick pushed for me to give it a try.  Over the past two years, I have connected with amazing people and companies I otherwise wouldn't have.  I've been invited to super fun events and invited to try out really great clothes and shoes.  I've worked with models and met really great designers.  But the most fantastic thing about blogging has been seeing my style evolve in ways I wouldn't have imagined.  I really saw the value in thrifting from a sartorial standpoint instead of just an economical one.  I've been so inspired by other bloggers and Pins and Pinterest and it has caused my wardrobe to expand beyond any potential I ever thought it could.

For those of you who have been there since the start, from those of you who just stumbled upon this blog by accident, for those of you who have actually read my ramblings, for those of you who have Pinned my outfits, for those of you who have participated in my link-ups, for those of you who have commented or emailed, for those of you have inspired me and let me into your lives.  Thank you.  From the bottom of my mediocre blogger heart.

Leather Skirt-thrifted; Oversized White Oxford Shirt-Wal-Mart; Polka Dot Blazer-Marshall's; Black Low Booties-Old Navy; Necklace-gifted; Earrings-DIY and gifted

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