July 4, 2014

Mission #36, Day 5--Fancy

Well first of all, let's get this song out of the way in regards to the title (LOVE this song!) because I know you're humming it now . . .

Secondly, Happy Fourth of July all!  It is quite fancy that this holiday fell on a Friday so we get a long weekend eh?  I dig it.

Now, on to the matter at hand: Mission Week.  Today we are dressing, you guessed it, fancy.  We're talking nice restaurant, cocktail party, holiday party fancy.  I wouldn't go so far as to wear this to a black tie event.   For something of this nature, you can't go wrong with a little black dress, nice jewelry (I picked two of my legit pieces to wear today.  fancyyyyyyy.) and heels are the obvious footwear.

Patrick and I don't really do fancy too often.  We are a simple people.  But it is really fun from time to time to get all dolled up and trip the night fantastic.  I'm pretty sure the last time we attended such an event was the MS dinner where his mother was being honored.  That was over a year ago.  And while an awesome event not even a date.  I guess we need a refresher.

But I do remember the first fancy date Patrick and I went on.  He surprised me by having his mom watch the kids so we could go to The Melting Pot.  Again, his plan was to tell me he loved me.  This was months after the Kiss concert I talked about last post . . . and yet a couple of months before he actually said it.  He chickened out and wanted it to be sincere.  He's so fancy.  ;-)

LBD-thrifted; Pearl Necklaces-Kohl's and gifted from Patrick from Qatar; Animal Print Heels-BCBG, gifted; Earrings-gifted from Patrick from Shane Co.

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