March 27, 2014

Thursday Mixer--Red Dress

I bought this simple, red cotton dress for the Red Ball back in 2012.  It is super comfy and has serious mixability potential.  Unfortunately, I haven't utilized it all that I could have.  Mostly because I kinda forget that I have it since it doesn't really stand out in my closet.  I should fix that.

I bought this dress specifically for an event, on the fly and in a hurry.  Retail.  For $24, I believe.  Kinda pricey for my usual taste, but in the scheme of things it's not too shabby.  With four documented wears, that brings the current price per wear to about $6.  I know we can do better than that, especially since I now know I can fit it over the bump.

1, 2, Now, 4

Our former landlord didn't let us put a basketball hoop on the garage.  Once we got our own house, it was one of our first priorities.  So the boys got a basketball hoop for Christmas from Santa this past Christmas.

Well, of course the weather was cold and though it got put up, it didn't get much use.  But as the weather warms, everything is better.  I can open the windows while I cook dinner.  And the kitchen window leads right out into the front of the house.  Right out where the boys are usually playing basketball these days.

 Between the age difference and other difficulties, the boys have always had issues getting along.  For some reason, though, they have not had one fight in the six months since we've moved to this house.  And every time I hear them not only getting along, but actually laughing and playing together, it totally warms my heart.

Red Dress-Old Navy; Yellow Houndstooth Cardigan-Forever 21, thrifted; White Tennies-Keds, thrifted; Necklace-Charming Charlie's; Watch-gifted

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