March 3, 2015

Mission #52, Day 2

Understated.  Versatile.  Necessary.  That is how I would describe a grey dress.   A simple grey dress can go miles in your wardrobe and for any work environment it is a total homerun.  You really can't mess a grey dress up.

I forgot to mention yesterday that I did indeed pull a new weekly resolution.  This week is going to be all about connecting with friends, which again is again great timing because Patrick and I are meeting up with a friend couple of ours who also just had a baby a few months after Reilly.  Of course, we are bringing the babes with us.  Obvi.

I am really excited about this week because I quite honestly am kind of a loner.  As a total introvert, I have a handful of really close friends and don't really get out much--mostly by choice.  Add in the fact that I have four kids, a husband, a job and an active family schedule and there truly isn't much time left to invest in friendships.

But I am lucky to say that I have a lot AMAZING friends.  So this week I'm going to be calling, writing cards and scheduling get togethers with some of my favorite peeps.  Get ready.

Grey Dress-thrifted; Mint Cardigan-Target; Snakeskin Kitten Heels-Nine West, gifted; Glasses-Bebe; Pearl Earrings-gifted from Patrick from Qatar;
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