March 2, 2015

Mission #52, Day 1--Interview Outfits

This week is gonna be much tamer than usual here on Frannie Pantz because we are going to explore the ever stressful task of dressing for an interview.  We all know how important this decision is.  Even those of us not as into fashion can relate because you want to make a good impression, obvi.  (Don't use that word on an interview . . . obvi.)

This look is practically a very close simulation to how I dressed for my early-on paralegal days.  I had a steady arsenal of simple, neutral pieces that could be worn in a variation of ways.  And this look is definitely something to wear to an interview.

 Glasses and hair in a bun just scream responsibility.  I'm not sure why.  I think it's the librarian factor.  Darker neutrals like brown, grey or black are safe bets.  If you are going to play with patterns, make sure it is in a neutral color and pretty plain. 

Accessorize simply with a smart bag and low heels.  No need to show up in your highest stilettos for most interviews.  This outfit teeters on boring for me, but it's smart.  It shows that you can be respectful, responsible, modest and tasteful while having a bit of personality (mint bag and navy stripes, for example).  

Pants-Walmart, old; Striped Sweater-Banana Republic, thrifted; Duster Cardigan-Walmart; Pointed Toe Kitten Heels-Mootsie Tootsie; Bag-Target; Necklace-Kohl's; Glasses-c/o Firmoo; Diamond Stud Earrings-gifted
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