February 1, 2012

A Long Day

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Today's Fashion Challenge from Megan and Keely is Long over Long.  I have to say, this look--to me--was much better on my manequin than on my persons.  I felt way too covered up and matronly.  Oddly enough, however, I got a lot of compliments on it.  Thus proving my nature of going against the general population in most aspects, if you will.  

Being as it is the first of February, I thought that I would revisit my NYRs (New Years Resolutions) to see how I'm shaping up so far:

NYR #12-The shopping ban.  Um.  Ok.  I've done pretty good with this.  Not perfect.  I will say, though, that I have definitely showed a lot of restraint and have not done nearly the shopping that I am used to.  Plus, all but one trip has been using gift cards.  The other was from my savings from bridesmaids dresses.

NYR #11-Keeping up with quitting smoking.  Yep!  Ship shape! 

NYR #10-Positive thinking.  This is a struggle, especially the past few days.  But I am working on it.  I should do this more. 

NYR #9-To-Do lists.  Doing great on this!  I've got a lot of little things out of the way like getting glasses for myself finally!

NYR #8-Fix up the blog.  Um, not yet.  Hopefully this will be forthcoming.

NYR #7-Sewing.  Yeah, again, I hope to get better at this soon.  Haven't mastered it yet.

NYR#6-Take more pictures.  Always doing good on this one.  :-)

NYR #5-One on one time.  This has been harder.  My kids and I have been so super busy lately that there really isn't any time for anything non-routine based (dinner, bath, Uno, bed).  But, we have been playing a lot more Uno.

NYR #4-Budgeting and keeping a check registry.  Epic fail on this one.  Not even started.  Don't see myself doing so.  *slaps wrist* 

NYR #3-Adventure.  None yet.

NYR #2-Savings account.  Done and done.  Thank you so much tax refund!

NYR #1-Wedding.  Getting there. 

 All in all, I'd say that nearly half of my resolutions have stuck around through January, which is pretty good.  (Note that I am using my NYR #10 to use positive thinking.  Bonus point?  I think so.)

On an unrelated note, we are supposed to get a massive snowstorm tomorrow.  They are predicting 6-15 inches.  Clearly it is a man predicting the weather . . . LOL ba-dum-dum-ching j/k, j/k. 

Of course, my first two thoughts on hearing this forecast was a) damn I don't want to have to drive in that shit and b) I hope this doesn't fuck up the outfit I have planned for tomorrow.  Because honestly, who doesn't have these two thoughts cross their minds when they hear of snow storms?

Red Maxi Dress worn as a Skirt-Kohl's; Crocheted and Beaded Sweater-thrifted; Maxi Cardigan-Kohl's; Boots-Mudd; Necklace-vintage from Grandma; Belt-Kohl's 

Also, welcome to my favorite thrifted item ever and it wasn't even for me!  I found this little gem of a cape for four dollah at a thrift store this week.  This is why having a daughter is the greatest.  If you find something too adorable to pass up, but way too small for you, you have someone to pass it off to.

Brielle just loves hamming it up for the camera.  You better believe I had to choose from about a baker's dozen worth of photos to put up here.  Whatta beauty, eh?

On Brielle-Cape with Fur Trim-thrifted; PJs-Target

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