December 7, 2011

Some Cool Stuff

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Day three of the Neutrals Week challenge held by the lovely Keely of Casual Chic Kiki and Megan of Megan Mae Daily.  Today's neutral color is brown, which I was kind of excited about.  I own a ton of brown and it is one of the best colors for my skin tone and hair color. 

Other than the Neutral Week challenge, I have some other really super cool news to share with you.  First of all, my kids are absolutely amazing.  I know, I know, all mothers say that, but this is legit.  Don't believe me?  Check out this amazing video of my oldest son Kaden doing his Chris Farley impersonation (remember when I told you that he loves doing impersonations?  I wasn't joking): 

Whether it comes by way of professional sports (which he also rocks at) or an acting career, this kid is going to take care of my retirement.

Also, my younger son Conner took a placement test for Kumon today.  I have had Kaden enrolled in Kumon to try to help him with his reading.  Conner has recently expressed interest and so I have finally been able to get him in (finances have lined up finally).  Now let me explain to you in the most modest of regards, Conner is an absolute genius.  When he was ten months old, he spoke in full sentences.  When he was three years old, he could do three number addition problems.  You could give him three single digit numbers and he could add them in a split second.  Last year, at five years old, he was explaining to me what a triangular prism was.  Well, as if his intelligent splendor was not "proven" before, it is now.  Conner finished a middle school aged placement test in seven minutes with a 100%.  He is six and in first grade.  I could not be prouder.  Immediately, he told the head instructor that he wanted to do another test, start Kumon right away and wanted to take homework with him.  Amazing.

My daughter, Brielle, is four.  She has always loved books and being read to.  She is now at the age where she is able to read certain small words.  Today, while we waited for the boys to finish up at Kumon, she read me a book.  Granted, it was a very simple book with about four words a page, but she read it.  Cover to cover.  Also,  It has come to my attention that there is no sweeter sound than hearing her sing Rudolf.  Music to a mama's ears.

So other than my now world famous son, genius son and adorable daughter, there is even more amazing news.  Tomorrow marks the end of my Week 1 challenge in quitting smoking.  I was going to talk about this tomorrow, but I have even more awesome news for you tomorrow (a giveaway!), so I am going to discuss it now.  I am happy to report that I have completely upheld to my challenge and return to you victorious.  I have not cheated in the least bit.  On my first day, I put a cucumber melon air freshener in my car and you know what?  It still smells like cucumber melon.  I am so proud of myself.  Next week's challenge?   No smoking before noon (in addition to no smoking in the car).  This one, is gonna be hard.  No cigarette with my coffee.  Tough.  But I am confident that I can do it.  Thanks again for everyone's continued support!

You know what makes me so happy?  Other than my kids obviously, is my amazing man.  Today on a local radio station, they were having people call in with romantic stories.  Of course, I could think of no one other than my amazing fiance.  He is so romantic all the time.  People think I make him up* because it is so unbelievable the way he makes me feel, the things he does and the things he says.  No sooner was I listening to this and thinking this do I get a random text from Patrick: "I love you beautiful."  Confirmed.

*Funny story.  A couple of weeks ago, in telling my therapist something sweet Patrick had done or said, my therapist literally said, "Gee, he sounds so amazing, I am starting to wonder if he's real."  I came home, told Patrick and then had the thought (outloud) "Wouldn't it be funny if I had told her that you actually were made up?  Do you think she would be obligated to commit me?"
Oh, the buck doesn't stop there ladies.  Oh no.  Hold on to your girdles cause Mama's got an early Christmas present for you.  As you might know (especially if you know me IRL) or have caught on, I am practically a local at Kohl's.  Long story short, it is my Mecca.  Kohl's gift cards as Christmas gifts several years ago started my shopping addiction and if I am not thrifting, I am shopping at Kohl's.  Bottom line: love Kohl's.

So, imagine the school girl like squeal that squeezed out of my tightly grinning mouth when I got an email from Lory, a voice for Kohl's.  She has offered Frannie Pantz readers an amazing discount code.  This is great news for the ongoing holiday shopping!  Are you ready?

Frannie Pantz readers are able to get an Extra 20% Off your PurchaseAll you have to do is enter Promo Code BIGGESTSALE at checkout.  The code is only valid from Friday, December 8 to Monday, December 11.  So, ready . . . set . . . go!

Mocha Turtleneck Sweater-Cherokee, thrifted; Belt-came with top from Kohl's; Maude Printed Skirt-BCBG, thfited; Knit OTK Socks-Kohl's; Buckle Boots-Kohl's; Bag-Kohl's; Necklace-gifted; Earrings-vintage from Grandma; Coat-Kohl's

Time is Running Out!!!

Do you all remember the $20 discount to eShakti's online store that I recently featured ( remember this dress?)?  Well the kind folks of eShakti have decided to extend your ability to take advantage of  the discount code ROBIN0811. So if you missed it the first time, here's your second chance!  This code is valid through December 31, 2011 so don't delay if you are interested.  Second chances don't always come around this easy!

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